Post Holiday Stress Disorder
I think George Carlin was right when he decided that "Shell Shock" was a more efficient term than "Post Tramatic Stress Disorder". But regardless of what you call it, I find it a challenge to go back to a routine involving working after having just taken a vacation from it. I mean given the option between:
1) Doing absolutely nothing all day for several days and getting paid for it and
2) Working all those days for 7+ hours per day for the same money,
which option would you pick?
<sarcasm> Ooh, ooh, pick option 2, pick option 2! </sarcasm>
If I ever find whoever it was that came up with the idea of paid vacation, I'm taking him or her out for ice cream.
The worst part about returning to your routine is that it often involves struggling in an activity that has been neglected for the entire duration of the vacation. In my case, it's badminton. I played for the first time in roughly two weeks today.
<understatement> Boy, was I rusty. </understatement>
In fact:
1) I was running out of breath very quickly
2) I made it to the shuttle on an even lower frequency than I'm used to
3) My accuracy when attempting to place the shuttle was worse than Shaq at the free throw line (no offense Shaq, you're still my favorite centre in the league... when you dominate the paint and win a bunch of games, who cares if you can't hit all your free throws?)
4) The power on my smash was lower than usual
5) The water fountain had a lower than usual perceived output level
Admittedly, I lose practice in everything faster than pretty much anyone I know. I tried to play Star Fox for the Super Nintendo recently. When I was younger, I would be ashamed if I didn't get a score over 90% for just about every level in the game... 95% for the easier levels. Now, I'm happy just to get through the levels. I think my average score was between 60% and 75%, with the highest being between 80% and 90% on the easiest level in the game. It's certainly not like riding a bike (which I haven't done in over 5 years and am not completely confident in doing either).
They say when you take vacation time from work you have to work really hard before the vacation so that you can leave at all and you have to work hard when you get back. I'm not sure who "they" are, but they're right - especially if you work for a company that has monthly business cycles and you return right around the busiest portion of the cycle. But I guess it could be worse. There could be no hockey this season... oh wait. I've also noted that after the Christmas / New Year's holidays, there aren't any civic holidays for a while. Maybe it's time to move to Europe...
I know how you feel. I realized I was getting old when I tried to play Super Mario Sunshine and found it to be the most difficult game in existence.
Although, my reflexes still seem to be intact concerning the high-speed Burnout 3...
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